New OSINT Tool: NGL App Tells It ALL!
By: @therealcybergod

The “NGL: Ask Me Anything” app is a platform where users can have their peers anonymously post messages to them on a variety of topics. The user can select a topic like “send me anonymous confessions” or “describe me in 3 words, anonymously”. This fun app can seamlessly link to your instagram page so that sharing to your story is just a few clicks of a button. Once a viewer clicks on the link, they submit their comment and essentially the main user can view that comment but they wont know who sent it. Or will they?…
Recently I’ve done some research on the app using the free version first then the paid version which costs only $6.99. The free version is bare bones. You really aren’t able to tell who sent the message, theres no information at all. The selling point is there’s an option to view “Who sent this” and that is where they solicit the $6.99 fee.

Paying the fee gave me a surprisingly large amount of information that any user should be concerned about.
This is troubling because the one clicking on the link to post a comment may not be aware of this viewable information by the user, especially since it’s being advertised as “anonymous messaging”. Essentially it is anonymous because your name isnt’ being displayed, but damn near everything else is!
If you had a specific target and wanted to get more information on them, you could send the link to them in hopes they click it. This feature sounds like something out of a phishing campaign! The viewer doesn’t even have to write a message! This info is displayed just by a user clicking into it! In the top left-hand corner of the app there is an “eye” icon and there you can view who has recently viewed your link. Here is a list of what is viewable to the sender.
Location (pin drop on detailed map)
Phone Type
Phone Version
Type of browser used to send message
How many other times they messaged you “anonymously”
Last time online
App profile picture
App username
Number of friends
Below is a screenshot sample of what this looks like with the paid version

Username not included for privacy
NGL’s Not So Private, Privacy Policy
I couldn’t help but dive into the app Privacy Policy for more juicy stuff. Here are screenshots of my findings… Beware!

For my friends who are privacy conscious, please think twice before clicking the ngl link, or any link for that matter!
Stay Vigilant.
follow me on instagram @therealcybergod